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Asked by: Imad Zheromsky
business and finance job marketHow much does a PhD student earn in Norway?
The gross salary of PhD students can range from436 900 to 490 900 Norwegian Krone per annum. Notsurprisingly, Postdocs in Norway are paid more than PhDstudents. The gross salary of Postdocs ranges from 490900 to569000 Norwegian Krone per annum.
Similarly, how much do professors make in Norway?
The salary range for a professor falls generallybetween grades 79 and 85. In 2017, the average annual salary for aprofessor was 791,563 NOK.
Secondly, is PhD free in Norway?
An important and appealing aspect of PhD study inNorway is that tuition is free for all students.However, the country has a high cost of living.
The tax rate is 5.1% for pension income, 8.2% forwage income and 11.4% for other business income.