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Asked by: Fatemeh Nicoleau
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow much does a turkey usually weigh?
The average weight of a turkey purchasedat Thanksgiving is 15 pounds. The heaviest turkey everraised was 86 pounds, about the size of a large dog. A 15 poundturkey usually has about 70 percent white meat and 30percent dark meat.
Similarly, how many pounds does a turkey weigh?
The average is 15 pounds, but mine is 22pounds. The largest ever was 86 pounds!
Similarly one may ask, how much does a small turkey weigh?
A small turkey may weigh between 4 to 12lbs. and only take a couple of hours to roast in the oven. Plan onabout 1 lb. of turkey per guest if you are using aturkey that weighs less than 12 lbs.
Rule of Thumb You need 1 1/2 pounds of uncooked turkeyper person. In other words, to feed 12 people, you'd need an18-pound turkey (12 × 1 1/2 = 18). This formula(and this is true for the guidelines that follow as well)will produce generous leftovers.