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Asked by: Ludie Moja
real estate real estate buying and sellingHow much does Amazon fulfillment cost?
Keeping this in consideration, is there a monthly fee to sell on Amazon?
Amazon offers two selling plans.TheProfessional selling plan is available for a$39.99monthly subscription fee plus per-item sellingfees,which vary by category. If you plan to sell fewerthan 40items a month, the Individual plan may be best foryou.There is no monthly subscriptionfee.
Moreover, how much is Amazon FBA per month?
If you are not a professional selleronAmazon, you will pay a $1.00 flat fee onallAmazon FBA products that you sell. Subscriptionfees.However, if you are a professional selleronAmazon, you will pay $39.99 per month to sellonAmazon.
To keep it simple, FBA works like this: yousellit, then Amazon ships it. You send your itemstoAmazon to be stored in their fulfillmentcenters.After Amazon receives your inventory, you canmonitor itthrough their tracking system. The customer orders youritems fromAmazon (or another eCommerceplatform).