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Asked by: Nira Barre
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow much does an aluminum radiator weigh?
In this regard, how much is a radiator worth for scrap?
For 2018, the scrap value of aluminumradiators was about $0.60 per pound. Aluminumradiators can weigh anywhere from about eight to 20 poundsdepending on their size and whether you've removed any parts toprepare for scrapping.
Similarly, it is asked, is an aluminum radiator better?
An aluminum radiator does cool better thana copper brass radiator. For example, an aluminumradiator with 2 rows of 1" tubes is equivalent to a copperbrass radiator with 5 rows of 1/2" tubes. Aluminumprovides high efficiency, is lightweight, and has a longer lifecompared to copper brass.
In fact, a cooling system running at 185-190 degreesreduces water condensation in motor oil and increases parasiticpower loss. Efficient cooling is all about surface area andconductivity. Copper-brass is a good heat conductor, butaluminum is stronger and allows radiatormanufacturers to use larger tubes.