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Asked by: Lucienne Ikazteguieta
automotive green vehiclesHow much does an empty 40 pound propane tank weigh?
Also to know is, how much do empty propane tanks weigh?
stamped on the collar of the tank. For a grill sizedtank you simply calculate the tare weight + 20 lbs, andthat's how much the tank should weigh when it's full. Most 20lb tanks have a tare weight of +/- 17 pounds whencompletely empty. This means a "full" propane tank should weighabout 37 pounds.
Thereof, how much does a 100lb propane tank weigh empty?
Most #100 tanks weigh about 67 pounds emptyplus the 100 pounds of lpg making 167 pounds.
A 40 lb. propane tank measuresapproximately 29 inches high by 12.5 inches in diameter, and has aBTU capacity of 860,542. A 100 lb. propane tankmeasures approximately 48 inches high by 14.5 inches in diameter,and has a BTU capacity of 2,160,509.