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Asked by: Nicolina Help
hobbies and interests musical instrumentsHow much does Beyonce cost to book?
Subsequently, one may also ask, how much is Beyonce booking fee?
Beyonce: $2 Million According to The Guardian, Bey was paid a $2 millionappearance fee for a New Year's Eve gig in St. Barth's, aprice made only less astounding by the fact that she'sBeyonce.
In this regard, how much does it cost to book Taylor Swift?
See How Much It'll Cost to Book YourFavorite Musical Act, From Taylor Swift to Phosphorescent. Abooking agency says it knows how much it'll cost toget acts from Taylor Swift ($1 million+) to a Dave Matthewstribute band ($5-$10K) for your private party. See all thenumbers.
Past private Beyonce performances have reportedlycost anywhere from $1 million to $2 million in order to getthe singer to hit the private stage and sing songs likeCrazy In Love and Single Ladies for your closest group offriends.