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Considering this, how much does it cost to add a front porch?
A small and basic do-it-yourself porch projectcancost about $5,000 to $10,000, but the budget for even asmallporch project can go up quickly when lots of extrasareincluded. Things like lighting, hardware, architectural detailsandfurniture add to the basic cost of theproject.
Subsequently, question is, how much does it cost to replace a porch?
On average, most homeowners can expect to paybetween$1,100 and $1,300 for professional porch repair. Thismayseem like a lot, but it is far less than replacingorbuilding your entire deck over. On the low-cost side,minorDIY repairs can cost as little as $100 for a fewsmallareas.
Adding a porch to any external door of yourhouseis considered to be permitted development, not requiringanapplication for planning permission, provided: thegroundfloor area (measured externally) would not exceedthreesquare metres.