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Then, is it cruel to dock a dog's tail?
No, it's not cruel, but it is unnecessary formostdogs. Docking a puppy's tail means to remove aportionof the tail, usually when the pup is only a few daysold.Breeds such as cocker spaniels and Rottweilers traditionallyhavetheir tails docked in the United States. (Taildockingis illegal in some countries.)
Regarding this, can you dock a tail at 12 weeks?
Because tail docking is usually performedwhenpuppies are only a few days old, before they are soldoradopted, pet owners rarely have to provide any care. Iftaildocking is performed when a puppy is older (between 8 and12weeks old), there may still be a suture present at thetime ofpurchase or adoption.
The answer is yes, you physically can dockadog's tail at 6 months of age. Unless, in anindividualdog, a tail becomes injured for somereason, there isno need to tail dock, and the majority ofvets willbe reluctant to carry out this drasticoperation.