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Asked by: Salobrar Keyerleber
automotive auto insuranceHow much does it cost to fix an iPhone screen at Sprint?
Similarly, you may ask, how much does it cost to fix an iPhone screen sprint?
Service Fees range from $25 to $140 perapprovedrepair, depending upon the type of device and natureof thedamage and frequency of repair. For SprintCompletecustomers with eligible iPhone devices, there isnoadditional charge for device malfunctions.
Regarding this, does Sprint do screen repairs?
Are all devices eligible for repair in aSprintPhone Repair Center? Most phones are eligible forin-storerepair. Customers without device protectioncanschedule an appointment at a Sprint Phone RepairCenter byvisiting
Apple charges set fees for replacing abrokeniPhone screen, which start at just $29 if it's underAppleCarecoverage. Out of warranty, replacing the glassscreencosts $129-$329. Additional repairs, such as to theLCD ordigitizer layer, cost anywhere from $149to$599.