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Asked by: Ottavio Robinso
automotive auto repairHow much does it cost to get a tune up at Jiffy Lube?
In this way, how much does a full tune up cost?
A standard tune up can cost $50 to $200,while more complex tasks can range from $500 to $900. This istaking into consideration the price of the parts and labor requiredto perform the work. If you are able to properly service anautomobile, you can save yourself a lot of money.
Also, how much does it cost to have your spark plugs changed?
The typical amount you will pay for spark plugsis between $16-$100, while for labor on a spark plugreplacement you can expect to pay around $40-$150. It shouldtake the mechanic a little over an hour or so to make thereplacement for you.
The tune-up should also includecleaning or replacing the spark plugs and, on older cars, thedistributor cap and rotor. Tune-ups may alsoinclude replacement of the fuel filter, oxygen sensor, PCVvalve, and spark plug wires.