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Asked by: Ildefons Rothenburg
home and garden landscapingHow much does it cost to repair a cracked driveway?
Just so, can a cracked driveway be repaired?
Fortunately, filling cracks in aconcretedriveway is a simple and relatively inexpensive DIYproject.A cracking driveway looks unsightly to potentialbuyers.Cracks can usually be filled and repaired ifthe restof the driveway is in good shape and it wasinstalledproperly in the first place.
Hereof, how much does a crack filling cost?
Typical costs for crack sealingcanrange anywhere from .35¢ to $1.00 per linear footdepending onmaterials and methods used.
Yes, you may pour a concretepadoverlay over an existing slab. You needtoconsider the added height and weight of the overlay ontheexisting structure. Overlays may include polymers,portlandcement concrete, or epoxies. You shouldimprove thedrainage of the slab by having a good slope ontheoverlay.