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Asked by: Paciano Beukes
technology and computing computer peripheralsHow much does it cost to replace a motherboard on a desktop?
Also know, how much does it cost to replace a motherboard?
We found this “Ask a Geek” article fromayear and a half ago that says you should expect topayanywhere from $250 to $500 for a new motherboard, butthat'sincluding the cost of the motherboard, anewoperating system license to replace the one yourcomputercame with (which likely is not licensed to work onthenew
Besides, can I put a new motherboard in an old computer?
With the old motherboard free, you'll needtoremove its CPU cooler, CPU, and RAM so you can installitinto your new motherboard. Be careful! If you forget touseyour standoffs, you risk frying the motherboard whenyoupower up your PC.
Some of the symptoms to look for when diagnosingabad motherboard are failure to boot. The computer maystartto boot but then shuts down. Increased Windows errors or"bluescreens of death" are symptoms offailingmotherboards.