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Similarly, it is asked, how much does it cost to get an IUI?
The cost of IUI varies depending on whattype of insurance coverage you have and how much yourdoctor's fees are. IUI is usually less expensive than otherfertility treatments, like IVF. In general, it costs about$300-$1,000 without insurance.
Similarly, will IUI be successful?
IUI success rate On average, a woman under 35 will have a 10 to20 percent chance of pregnancy with each IUI, while a womanover 40 will have a two to five percent chance. If pregnancydoesn't happen with IUI after a few cycles, a couple shouldconsult their physician about another approach, likeIVF.
The pregnancy rate per IUI cycle was 4.5 %.CONCLUSION: The birth of normal, healthy infants byIUI using PESA indicates that the caput epididymal spermpossess fertilization capacity. The PESA-IUI programme is apractical and economical procedure for the management of patientswith obstructive azoospermia.