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Asked by: Vadym Guilmard
medical health surgeryHow much does minimally invasive spine surgery cost?
Keeping this in consideration, how much does minimally invasive back surgery cost?
Overall costs for minimally invasiveprocedures are significantly lower than open procedure costsfor appropriately indicated patients. A 2011 study published in SASJournal showed cost for minimally invasivetransforaminal lumbar interbody fusion was $14,183 onaverage, versus $18,633 for open lumbarfusion.
Thereof, what is the success rate of minimally invasive spine surgery?
Laminectomy was calculated to cost $77,000 perQALY gained, while spinal fusion surgery was estimated to be$115,000 per QALY gained. In the United States, $100,000 is themaximum at which procedures are considered costeffective.