Asked by: Bridgett Hannesschlager
automotive auto repair

How much does Pep Boys charge for brake pads?

$99.99 Standard Brake Service at Pep Boys.

Also to know is, how much should it cost to replace brake pads?

The average brake pad replacement cost is $150 per axle, and can range from $100 per axle up to $300 per axle. There are a few other pieces of hardware that are found in the brake system which might need to be serviced as well, including calipers and rotors, but the most common service will be to replace brake pads.

Also Know, does Pep Boys do free brake inspection? As a Rewards Member, you'll get free brake checks, free car battery tests, free windshield wiper install, and free alignment checks. Checking any of these car parts can head off a major repair in your vehicle, so it's a good idea to have one of our Pep Boys professional technicians check your car out.

Also to know is, how much does a brake job usually cost?

Average Costs According to Repair Pal, labor costs for larger brake jobs such as a rotor replacement are around $160-$200. Parts and materials for this job and other similar jobs are usually priced between $250-$360. So overall, a brake job can cost you anywhere from $400-$600 depending on a wide variety of factors.

How much is Jiffy Lube brake service?

$179 for a Full Brake Replacement Package per Axle at Jiffy Lube ($365 Value)

Related Question Answers

Karamba Ionita


Can I change brake pads myself?

While it might seem intimidating, changing your brake pads is a ridiculously easy process that nearly anyone can do with the right tools. Once you get used to doing it, you can replace your brake pads in an hour or so. Not to mention, you can save hundreds of dollars over the long run by doing the job yourself.

Amidou Klod


Can I just replace brake pads and not rotors?

When To Replace Brake Rotors
Maybe not every time. In fact, some manufacturers recommend simply replacing the brake pads themselves without resurfacing or replacing the rotors, as long as the rotors measure more than the minimum thickness and they spin true (are not warped).

Helena Balladolid


How much does it cost to replace all 4 brake pads and rotors?

That said, for brake pad replacement only, you can expect to pay between $35 and $150 for parts for all four wheels. Labor typically runs between $80 and $120 per axle, making for a grand total of between $115 and $270 per axle. Replacing rotors with your brake pads is critical for best braking and maximum safety.

Franciszek Pidranca


How long does a brake job take?

As you can see there is a lot to be done on a proper brake job. Depending on the condition of the brake system when you first start. On average it takes about 1 1/2 - 2 hours to complete(including resurfacing the rotors) on a common disk brake type vehicle.

Rossemary Souza


How do I know if my brake pads are worn out?

Here are some signs to look for to know when to replace brake pads:
  1. Squealing or Screeching Noises. Generally, the first indication any driver will notice is a squealing, screeching, or whining noise when the brakes are engaged.
  2. Less than a Quarter Inch of Brake Pad.
  3. Deep Metallic Grinding and Growling.
  4. Indicator Lights.

Lavonne Burmeister


How do you fix a locked up brake?

To remove a caliper piston that has become seized, the hydraulic pressure of the brake system itself can be used. Remove the caliper from the disc, and pump the brake pedal to move the piston past the corroded portion. Now you should be able to disassemble and rebuild it.

Eusebiu Fur


How much does Midas charge for brake pads?

Midas: Midas charges roughly $80 per hour for labor costs when working on brakes. They charge about $50 for a brake drum package, $60 to replace brake fluid, and upwards of $800 for a complete caliper and rotor job.

Zola Turnock


Should I replace all 4 rotors?

As long as you have both front disk brake pads replaced and rotors turned or replaced as well, it should be fine to complete the rear brakes shortly after. Although it is recommended by Ford to replace all four wheel brakes at the same time for safety, your idea should be OK.

Isrrael Cantisano


How do u know when u need new rotors?

It could represent four signs that it's time to replace your brake rotors.
  1. Vibrating Steering Wheel. If you feel pulsing in the brake pedal and vibration in the steering wheel when you slow down, your rotors could be signaling trouble.
  2. Intermittent Screeching.
  3. Blue Coloration.
  4. Excessive Wear Over Time.

Mayi Kunneke


How many brake pads does a car have?

How Many Brake Pads On A Car. Although, a typical car model has two pads on each wheel, the front, and the rear. However, some cars utilize two pads in a single wheel, which makes them eight. The vehicles also have calipers, which have four pads, and there are cars with two calipers.

Sameh Hergert


How much do new rotors cost?

The average cost for a brake rotor replacement is between $406 and $559. Labor costs are estimated between $158 and $200 while parts are priced between $248 and $359. Estimate does not include taxes and fees.

Mona Altolaguerra


How do I know when my rotors are bad?

Pay attention to what you feel while driving. One of the most common indicators of worn out brake rotors is rattling, wobbling, or shaking while braking. These vibrations are normally felt through your foot as you apply the brakes, and it is usually indicative of brake rotors that have become warped.

Roselle Ingenillen


Who does free car diagnostic test?

Some places charge you for testing your car, but at AutoZone, it's free. Don't buy a part you don't need. AutoZone will test your car's parts for free. We can test your car's battery*, alternator*, starter* and voltage regulator while they're still on your car.

Shengli Silver


How much does Pepboys charge for alignment?

Wheel Alignment Service. Choose Pep Boys to perform your next alignment. Our service packages offer both long and short term wheel alignment solutions starting as low as $89.99.

Adelle Kampfert


Who checks brakes for free?

For a free brake check, come into your neighborhood Firestone Complete Auto Care store. We have more than 1,700 locations across America staffed by Firestone Complete Auto Care tire and auto service professionals. We'll get to the bottom of what's causing your vehicle's brake problems.

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How long does a car diagnostic test take?

Typically speaking a car diagnostics test can be completed within around 60 minutes, although if further work is required, this will add extra time onto the appointment.

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Does Jiffy Lube change brake?

Help keep your brake system working efficiently and safely with a visit to Jiffy Lube® for a brake fluid exchange. Our service includes a visual inspection of the brake system, replacement with new fluid that meets or exceeds your vehicle manufacturer's specifications and proper disposal of the used fluid.

Viliam Dieudonne


Does Discount Tire do brakes?

No. Discount Tire offers services involving tires and wheels. They will rotate, balance, air check and do flat repairs. They do not do alignments or brakes.