Asked by: Maripaz Hatukaev
home and garden landscaping

How much does rubber mulch cost per yard?

Our rubber mulch prices are $315 for a 2,000-pound bag, shown here, or $7 per 40-pound bag. Bear in mind that 2,000 pounds of long-lasting rubber mulch will cover around 17 square yards at a 6-inch depth, for a cost per yard of a little over $18.

Regarding this, is rubber mulch worth the cost?

One negative is its price; it's quite a bit more expensive than other mulch products. But because it lasts significantly longer, you may actually see cost-saving benefits over the long haul. Rubber mulch also does not provide the nutrients or organic matter to soil that wood does when it decomposes.

One may also ask, how do you calculate rubber mulch? Find the depth you want and divide your square footage by the square footage listed. For instance, if you want to cover 500 square feet with rubber mulch 3.0 inches deep, take 500÷287=1.75 (rounded up to 2 pallets). Or you can use our rubber mulch calculator.

Keeping this in consideration, how many square feet does a bag of rubber mulch cover?

Rubber Mulch bags equals 72.5 to 75 cubic feet (about 2.7 cubic yards) of material and weighs approximately 2000 lbs. Each pallet will cover approximately 300 sq ft by 3 inches deep, rated for a 5 ft fall height; or 150 sq ft by 6 inches deep tested for a 12 ft fall height. How much Rubber Mulch do you need?

What is the average price to install mulch?

Most spend between $210 and $400 per yard, with installation, and the average price is $325. Those who choose to install mulch themselves spend just $60 to $100 per yard.

Related Question Answers

Fethi Charmaty


What are the disadvantages of rubber mulch?

Toxicity. Toxicity concerns from chemicals leaching from the rubber are the main disadvantage of rubber mulch. Heavy metals and rubber leachates can pose a health hazard, so it's best to avoid using rubber mulch in vegetable or edible plant beds.

Ilene Boaventura


What are the pros and cons of rubber mulch?

Let's take a closer look at both the benefits and disadvantages of using rubber mulch for your plants.
  • The Pros:
  • It provides good insulation from heat.
  • It won't attract insects.
  • It discourages weed and fungal growth.
  • It lasts forever.
  • It stays in Place.
  • It provides more design options.
  • It is a low maintenance option.

Sebastia Forester


Do you need landscape fabric under rubber mulch?

While landscaping fabric is not necessary beneath rubber mulch, or any mulch for that matter, the benefits of using this material make it worth the extra minor investments of time and money during mulch installation.

Manases Rigor


Is wood or rubber mulch better?

Rubber is heavier than wood mulch and thus has more staying power than the lightweight wood chips. If you live in an area with high winds, or during heavy rains, wood will blow away more easily than rubber.

Sergiy Multakh


What is the best brand of rubber mulch?

Rubber Mulch Compared
Rubber Mulch Our Rating
The International Mulch PlayGround & Garden Rubber Mulch 4.3
The International Mulch Classic Black Rubber Mulch 5.0
The Rubberific Brown Rubber Mulch 3.7
The International Mulch Earth Ground Cover 4.2

Shirleen Cohaus


Does rubber mulch mold?

If you are worried about a mold infestation, rubber mulch comes out on top again. Rubber tire mulch reduces mold and weed growth by dehydrating most weed seeds and spores before they can reach through to the soil. Wood mulch, on the other hand, can allow for the infestation of both termites and fungal growth.

Clarivel Hessenius


Does rubber mulch cause cancer?

According to the EPA, benzene, mercury, styrene-butadiene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and arsenic, among several other chemicals, heavy metals and carcinogens, have been found in tires. Studies have found that crumb rubber can emit gases that can be inhaled.

Corrine Barlehner


Is it OK to use rubber mulch around plants?

Is rubber mulch safe to put on my garden beds? Rubber mulches made from shredded tires are touted by manufacturers as permanent, aesthetically pleasing, and safe for flowers, plants and pets. There is no question that toxic substances leach from rubber as it degrades, contaminating soil, plants and waterways.

Artemiza Azcutia


How thick should mulch be?

A 1- to 2-inch layer of fine mulch should be sufficient, while a coarser material should be 3 to 4 inches deep. Too much of either type can suffocate your plants. In areas where you simply want to keep anything from growing, you can lay it on as thick as you like.

Sandeep Loyarte


Does Lowes carry rubber mulch?

Rubberific 0.8-cu ft Dark Brown Rubber Mulch at

Tasnim Irrera


How do you calculate square feet?

To find square feet you have to multiply the length in feet of a figure by the width in feet. This yields a product called the area, which is expressed in square feet (or square inches if you are calculating a much smaller space, such as a dollhouse, for example).

Ticiano Hamzaoui


How much mulch goes under a swing set?

After you build the structure and install swing set anchors, you will need to place shock-absorbing surfacing underneath and on the surrounding areas to cushion the inevitable tumbles that will happen as kids play. Protective material should be at least 9-inches to 12-inches deep, depending on the playset deck height.

Dalida Rosaleny


What cubic yard means?

A cubic yard (symbol yd3) is an Imperial / U.S. customary (non-SI non-metric) unit of volume, used in the United States. It is defined as the volume of a cube with sides of 1 yard (3 feet, 36 inches, 0.9144 meters) in length.

Edelmiro Neill


Is bagged mulch better than bulk?

Mulch comes in bags, usually containing 2 or 3 cubic feet, or by the truckload, measured in cubic yards. Bagged mulch is much more expensive but easier to handle, especially if you have no place for a pile of bulk mulch. If you buy in bags, you can buy different kinds for different purposes.

Abdelkhalak Home


How long does red mulch last?

The practical life-time of mulch can be anywhere from 4-7 years. This is how long it takes for a layer of mulch to completely break down, although it depends on a number of different environmental factors (e.g. in direct sunlight, covering very wet ground etc).