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Asked by: Heraclia Urwin
science space and astronomyHow much does the earth curve over 100 miles?
Hereof, how much does the earth curve in 6 miles?
However, it turns out that while the earthdoescurve 8 inches in one mile, it does not take9miles to curve 72 inches. To show this, let usreturnto the Pythagorean Theorem method used by Harley, butusing6 feet for the curvature.
Similarly, how far can you see with the curve of the earth?
The old saying turns out to be just about true. Forasix-foot tall person, the horizon is a little more than 3 miles(5km) away. Geometry tells us that the distance of thehorizon– i.e. the farthest point the eye can seebeforeEarth curves out beneath our view – dependssimply onthe height of the observer.
Most sources consider 8 inches per mile asthemost accurate estimate. It means that for every mile ofthedistance between you and a second object,thecurvature will obstruct 8 inches ofitsheight.