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Asked by: Lorenzo Erostegui
religion and spirituality christianityHow much donate to church for baptism?
Thereof, how much should you donate for baptism?
How much you're expected to give asachristening gift often depends on the closeness ofyourconnection to the child. If you are to be his godparent, youmightbe expected to give a significant gift of $100, $150 orevenmore if you can afford it. If you are another close relative,$50might be equally acceptable.
Beside this, are you supposed to pay a priest for baptism?
Yes, it is customary to give the priestagift. It is an extra donation to cover the costs associatedwithperforming the sacrament including the priest'stime.Depending on if your baptism is a private ceremony ornotand what you can afford, I recommend$50-100.
You want to ask the church secretary whatatypical donation is. Some pastors get $50, othersprettymuch expect $1000 or more.