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People also ask, can you eat fish every day?
Government dietary guidelines recommend thatpeopleeat fish twice a week. While it might be safe toeat fishevery day, Rimm says it's still not clear if thereis any addedhealth benefits to that level of consumption.“Most of thescience isn't looking at dailyconsumption,” heexplains.
Beside this, can you eat too much fish in a week?
It's also possible to develop mercury poisoningfromeating too much seafood. In small amounts, thefollowingtypes of fish are okay to eat once or twiceperweek: albacore tuna.
Its list includes salmon, mackerel, herring, laketrout,sardines, and albacore tuna. The FDA lists albacore tuna asa“once a week choice.” And whileAtlanticmackerel is low in mercury and okay to eat two ormoretimes a week, King mackerel is a high mercuryfishthat the FDA recommends avoiding.