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Asked by: Charif Arus
business and finance green solutionsHow much gravel do I need for a septic field?
Similarly, it is asked, how much gravel do I need for a septic system?
A septic tank sized for a two-bedroom house will need a bed with at least 200 square feet of gravel for installation in sandy soil with coarse particles, says Eco-Nomic, but when installed in a clay- or loam-based soil, the bed needs to be 1,200 square feet or more.
The following formula would be used:
- 3 x 120 = 360 gallons per day.
- 360 / 0.4 = 900 square feet of conventional trench bottom.
- 900 / 2 = 450 lineal feet of 2-foot-wide conventional trenches using 4-inch perforated PVC and gravel.
Also know, how much gravel do I need for a leach field?
typically, washed gravel, 3/4" to 2 1/2" (pretty big) gravel is placed for a depth of 12" under the drain line piping ("septic drain tile" in some references). The pipe is then covered by additional gravel to a depth of at least 2" over the top of the septic drain line before backfill is added.
A conventional gravel system is comprised of a septic tank and drainfield. The system is sited to allow gravity to advance wastewater throughout the septic system. Conventional gravity systems are always the first choice due to their comparatively lower cost and minimum maintenance requirements.