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Asked by: Iustin Barrinhas
hobbies and interests stamps and coinsHow much is a 2000 close Am penny worth?
Also question is, how much is a penny from 2000 worth?
2000 Lincoln Penny. hasestimated the 2000 Lincoln Penny value at an averageof 1 cent, one in certified mint state (MS+) could be worth$1. (see details)
Moreover, what year pennies have close am?
1992 Close AM Reverse (Most pennies minted that year have verydefinite spaces between those letters.)
For most pennies, those minted in recent yearsare worth, well, a penny. Most wheat cents (mintedbetween 1909 and 1956) are worth about 4 to 5 cents, thoughthose in better condition can have value in the doubledigits; special examples (especially those in near perfectcondition) can be worth much more.