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Asked by: Abelina Raumland
hobbies and interests stamps and coinsHow much is a 2005 P buffalo nickel worth?
Accordingly, is a 2005 nickel with a buffalo on it worth anything?
You are probably referring to the 2005JeffersonNickel with a buffalo on the obverse (back) side.Unlessthere is an unusual error, it is worth five cents,like anyother nickel. One unusual error has beenfound.
Furthermore, what is a 2005 P nickel worth?
USA Coin Book Estimated Valueof2005-P Jefferson Nickel (Ocean inViewVariety) is Worth $0.26 to $0.78 or more inUncirculated(MS+) Mint Condition.
2004-P Jefferson Nickel KeelBoatvalue is from 5 cents to .10 cents in gradesalmostuncirculated (AU) or less, and .50 cents plus foruncirculated rawexamples. Can be worth over $25 if graded byPCGS or NGC inMS67.