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Also, does almond butter help you lose weight?
Almond Butter Numerous studies have indicated that almonds canhelp you lose weight despite their high fat content. Infact, a study from the International Journal of Obesity and RelatedMetabolic Disorders compared two diets over the course of sixmonths.
Regarding this, is almond butter healthier than peanut butter?
For a quick answer, both nut butters do have similarnutritional value. Almond butter is slightly healthierthan peanut butter because it has more vitamins, minerals, andfiber. Both nut butters are roughly equal in calories and sugar,but peanut butter has a little more protein than almondbutter.
Almond butter is a good source of thehealthy monounsaturated fats our bodies need. These fats areassociated with lowering the risk of heart disease. Eatingalmonds offers antioxidant action from Vitamin E and helpslower cholesterol. They are full of healthy flavonoids andVitamin E.