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Asked by: Abu Engelschall
technology and computing home entertainment systemsHow much is a used hoverboard?
Beside this, how much does a used hoverboard cost?
Knowing the hoverboard price range is agreatplace to start. Typically hoverboards (also known asselfbalancing scooters) will start at around $180 dollars for anentrylevel model, While some of the very best hoverboardmodelscould set you back upwards of $599dollars.
Herein, what is the average price for a hoverboard?
How Much is a Hoverboard and What istheIdeal Hoverboard Price Range? You can buy a solid andsafehoverboard between $100 to as much as $700. But ourresearchindicates that the sweet spot is between $300and$600.
Expensive hoverboards usually feature high-endfeaturesand specifications.
5 Most Expensive Hoverboards of 2019
- EPIKGO CLASSIC SERIES. Retail Price: $799.
- KOOWHEEL HOVERSHOES. Retail Price: $580.
- TOMOLOO V2 EAGLE. Retail: $399.
- JETSON V6 HOVERBOARD. Retail Price: $379.