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Asked by: Deni Louriceiras
hobbies and interests jewelry makingHow much is it to get a ring valued?
Regarding this, are jewelry appraisals free?
A Professional, Objective Jewelry AppraisalCostFree This is unique to the industry, and is somethingyouwill not find anywhere else. In addition to being available atnocost to you, our appraisals are thebestavailable.
Keeping this in consideration, how much is a 14k gold ring worth?
Now, since 14K gold is only 58.33%actualgold, we divide the per gram price ofpuregold ($37.531) by 0.5833 to arrive at a 14Kgoldprice of right at $21.92 a gram. Now you multiply theweight ofthe ring in grams by the price per gramat14K, and you have the spot price ofyourring.
Professional Cleaning Costs Remember, fine jewelry is not indestructible.Ifyou purchased jewelry elsewhere and want to findaplace to have them cleaned, expect to pay between $25 to$50for the jeweler's time and use oftheirequipment.