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Asked by: Zintia Sancibrian
personal finance retirement planningHow much money do actors make a year?
Likewise, people ask, how much money do actors get paid per movie?
Actor. The Hollywood Reporter estimatesthatA-list movie stars routinely make $15millionto $20 million for top roles in big-budget films.Secondarylead actors in a movie such as The ForceAwakensearned an estimated $1.5 million to$4.5million.
Furthermore, do actors make a lot of money?
A new report reveals how many people areactingand how much money they earn. Of the155,740actors, directors and producers included in thesurvey bythe Department of Labor report, the average person made$89,000 in2013, at the rate of $42.80 an hour. The median is agooddeal lower at $30.48.
On Monday, Deadline reported that Netflixwasgiving each of the main players a significant pay raise forseasonthree. The young stars, who reportedly earned about $30,000perepisode over the first two seasons will be bumped up tobetween$200,000 and $250,000.