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Asked by: Jaroslava Barker
style and fashion shavingHow much money does an esthetician make a year?
Also know, how much money can an esthetician make?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,skincarespecialists earned an average of $15.25 an hour in 2012,whichequates to an annual salary of about $31,720. Half of allskincarespecialists working in the United States madebetween $9.50and $18.53 an hour.
Likewise, people ask, how much do Facialists make a year?
Around 2,470 were working in the offices ofphsicians,earning $38,020 a year on average. The lowestpayingemployers on the report were health and personal care stores,wherefacialists earned $29,590 a year. According tothebureau, the highest paying employers were general medicalandsurgical hospitals.
For mid-career estheticians with nine tonineteenyears of experience, the esthetician salary range isbetween$8 and $22 per hour with the median being $14 per hour.Experiencedestheticians with twenty or more years ofexperience canexpect to make between $9 and $26 per hourwith a mediansalary of $16 per hour.