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Asked by: Tantica Irasuegui
business and finance construction industryHow much sand and cement do I need to lay concrete blocks?
Consequently, how much sand and cement do I need to lay blocks?
The basic mixture for most concrete blockprojects is a 4-to-1 or 5-to-1 mixture. In essence, four parts (orfive) of sand are added to one part of cement, andthen water is added to that until you achieve the texture you wantfor your particular block project.
- For laying bricks and blocks in normal applications (SABS ClassII)
- To lay 1000 bricks = 3 bags cement + 0.6 cu. m. sand.
- 1 Bag of cement to 3 wheelbarrows of building sand.
Also to know is, how many bags of cement do I need to lay 100 blocks?
That being said, one bag of mortar, weighing 70lbs. Mixed with sand in the proper 3 to 1 ratio will lay 40twelve inch blocks or 50 eight inch blocks. So, iflaying 8 inch block, you should be able to lay 100blocks with 2 bags of mortar.
Multiply the wall area by 1.125 to determine the numberof standard solid blocks required for the wall -- standardblocks are nominally 8 inches tall by 16 inches wide by 8inches deep when the mortar around them is included in thedimensions.