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Asked by: Jayone Arburua
home and garden home appliancesHow much space should be between pickets on a fence?
Also asked, how far apart should pickets be on a fence?
A picket fence generally has a 2 ½” gap between the pickets.
- Much like solid fence, install your first picket against the house or at the end of the rails.
- Using a jig for spacing, space your next picket 2 ½” away.
- You will have to level every picket on a picket fence.
Also to know, how much space do you need between horizontal fence boards?
Horizontal planks can be spaced close together, with an eighth-inch gap between them, for privacy, or with a quarter-inch to 1-inch opening between them for a light, open feel.
Install the pickets by screwing them to the top and bottom rails with 1 1/2-inch exterior wood screws. Install the first picket at one side of the gate and work around the fence to the other side. Use a level to keep each picket vertical, and keep the tops of the pickets a uniform distance from the top rail.