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Ingredients in Rip It Energy Drink
Sugar content: 66 grams (per 16 ounces).
Accordingly, how much caffeine is in a rip it?
Rip It Energy Shot contains 50.00 mgs of caffeine per fluid ounce (169.07mg/100 ml).
Also to know is, what is a rip it in the army?
It's a basic energy drink comprised of taurine, 100mg of caffeine, inositol, and guarana seed extract -- all the usual suspects. It has 15 flavors -- including grape, citrus, and even coconut mango -- plus a sugar-free version.
Top 10 Most Powerful Energy Drinks/Shots
- Redline Xtreme Shot: 300 mg/bottle.
- SK Energy Shot: 280 mg/bottle.
- 7-Eleven Energy Shot: 260 mg/bottle.
- E6 Energy Shot: 235 mg/bottle.
- 5 Hour Energy Extra Strength: 230 mg/bottle.
- Red Thunder Extra Strength Energy Shot (Aldi) 230 mg/bottle.
- Eternal Energy Shot 222 mg/bottle.