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Asked by: Sinead Omoruyi
business and finance currenciesHow much total money is in the United States?
Subsequently, one may also ask, how much total money is in the US?
Therewas approximately $1.70 trillion in circulation as of January 31,2019. This figure includes Federal Reserve notes ($1,655.2billion), U.S. notes ($0.2 billion), currency nolonger issued ($0.2 billion), and coins outstanding ($47.2billion).
Accordingly, how much money is in the United States 2019?
Money Supply M1 in the United Statesaveraged 1013.32 USD Billion from 1959 until 2019, reachingan all time high of 3852.40 USD Billion in July of 2019 anda record low of 138.90 USD Billion in January of 1959.
A trillion dollars is a million dollarsmultiplied by a million. Or if you prefer, a thousand billion. Ithas 12 zeroes: 1,000,000,000,000. Makes your eyes cross, doesn'tit?