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Asked by: Pompeya Haueissen
home and garden home appliancesHow much weight do clothes add on the scale?
Correspondingly, how much do average clothes weigh?
Men's clothing on average was heavierthanwomen's, and, interestingly, the clothing weight didn'tvaryall that much throughout the year. From their findings,itwas suggested that women make a weight adjustmentforclothing of about 1.75 pounds (0.8 kg), and men shouldmakean adjustment of about 2.5 pounds (1.2 kg).
Thereof, how many pounds do shoes add?
When your shoes and coat are stillon They found men's clothing typically added about2.5pounds onto the scale, and women's clothing added almost2pounds. This is a small sample size, but you might wanttokeep this in mind if you're prone to weighing yourselffullyclothed.
Generally, yes, because you don't have the addedweight of arecent undigested meal. During the day, whenyou're eatingand drinking, those foods (and fluids) addweight—at leastuntil they're digested and excreted. Soweigh yourself inthe morning