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Asked by: Cristino Lutterkordt
food and drink food allergiesHow often can you use Benadryl spray?
Similarly, you may ask, how often can I take Benadryl?
Typical doses for Benadryl are: For adults andchildren older than 12, take 1 to 2 tablets or capsulesevery 4 to 6 hours as needed. For children ages 6 to 11,take 1 tablet or capsule every 4 to 6 hours as needed, or 1to 2 teaspoons of Benadryl liquid every 4 to 6 hours asneeded.
Also to know is, is it okay to use Benadryl spray on a dog?
Giving Benadryl to your dog is usuallysafe and effective when used properly, but always beprepared for side effects and emergencies that can be experiencedwith the use of drugs. If your dog is itching andbiting at his or her skin more than usual, read our article on“How to Know if Your Dog HasAllergies.”
Benadryl doesn't contain any such warning, eventhough experts agree that it's not good to take it over thelong term. But taking ZzzQuil to help you sleep could,theoretically, come with the same potential side effects of takingBenadryl, like next-day sleepiness.