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People also ask, what is the lifespan of a discus fish?
Lifespan and cost Lifespan depends on how well thediscusare cared for. It can range from several days to 15years. Theaverage is around 10 years if they are well maintained byinformedowners.
Similarly one may ask, how many discus should I keep together?
The rule of thumb for how many discus youcankeep together doesn't necessarily apply to everyone butis 1discus for every 10 gallons of water. Therefore ifyoufollow that rule you can only keep 10 fullsizediscus in a 100 gallon tank.
Discus prefer warm, soft, acidic water.pHshould be between 6.0 and 7.0, with hardness between1°and 4° dKH (18 to 70 ppm). Temperature should bekeptbetween 82° and 86° F, although wild Heckeldiscusprefer water near 90° F. Use an Aqueonaquarium heaterto maintain proper watertemperature.