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Thereof, when should a motorcycle be serviced?
A lot of motorcyclists don't realize that the chaindoes,in fact, require regular maintenance. You should lubethemotorcycle chain and check the tension of it every4,000miles or every six months, which ever comes first.Thisshould be easy to remember because it has the samescheduleas oil changes.
Consequently, how many km should I service my bike?
10 Must Read Bike Service Tips:Gettingyour bike serviced is one such feeling that allowsyou tostay stress-free for the given period of time on thatusermanual. Most bikes are serviced at 3000 kmwhilethose with bigger engines enjoy longer 5000, 6000 or even10,000km service interval.
The service will very likely include anoiland oil filter change, as well as checks to brakecallipers,pistons, cables, levers, pivots, wheel bearings,headlights, chainfunction and tyre pressure, among others. Itshould alsoinclude a road test.