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Asked by: Kimberlie Valtierra
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow often should you change heat pump filters?
Correspondingly, how often should you change your air filter in your home?
Here are averages that might help you know how often you should change the air filter at home:
- Vacation home or single occupant and no pets or allergies: every 6-12 months.
- "Average" suburban home without pets: every 90 days.
- Add a dog or cat: every 60 days.
- Add more than one pet or anyone has allergies: 20-45 days.
Hereof, what is the best filter for a heat pump?
Higher efficiency filters generally utilize pleated fabric media. In most residential heat pump systems a filter with a MERV rating between 8 and 12 is a good balance between filter efficiency and adequate airflow. During peak heating and cooling season, a 1″ heat pump filter should be changed monthly.
Replacement Time Check your owner's manual; it should tell you when your air filter should be replaced. This is generally every 12,000 to 15,000 miles, depending on your vehicle. If you have driven more than that since the last time you replaced the air filter, it's probably time to get it changed.