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Asked by: Lizzette Oldmann
automotive motorcyclesHow often should you change your oil filter on a motorcycle?
Consequently, do you need to change oil filter every time motorcycle?
No, you don't absolutely need to change the filter every oil change. But, you should change your oil filter every oil change. The oil filter removes particles that can harm your engine while the oil circulates.
Also question is, how often do you need to change your oil filter?
Car manufacturers often suggest changing oil filters every other time you have your oil changed. Most parts and oil manufacturers, however, say to replace oil filters with every oil change, which should occur every 3,000 miles or three months (whichever comes first).
With conventional oil, you'll hear recommended intervals of 3,000 to 5,000 miles. If you're running synthetic, you can probably go between 7,500 and all the way up to 15,000 miles in some cases. You cannot go 50,000 miles.