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In this manner, is deworming harmful for dogs?
They're poisonous to pests, but safeforpets. Because worms are so common in puppies, vetsrecommendde-worming them for the first time when they're 2to 3 weeksold. Worms can pass from mother to baby before birth orsoon after,through her milk. It will take more than onedose.
Consequently, how often should you Deworm?
Deworming medication (figure 1.) kills adultwormsbut not the eggs. So repeating the dose every six months isvital.Doctors generally prescribe a single dose of albendazoletabletsonce every six months for children.
Worming should continue at least three times a yearwitha recommended veterinary preparation for the rest ofthedog's life. Pregnant bitches should be wormed at the timeofmating and again when the puppies are one week old.Mostworms will live in the intestine and feed on partlydigestedfood.