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Asked by: Saibou Bauer
style and fashion bath and showerHow often should you wash a short haired dog?
Herein, how often should a short haired dog be bathed?
Here are some general guidelines: Bathing onceamonth works for most dogs. Dogs with an oilycoat,like Basset Hounds, may need bathing asfrequently asonce a week. Many short-hairedbreeds with smoothcoats, such as Beagles and Weimaraners, dojust fine withless frequent baths.
Beside this, is it OK to wash your dog once a week?
I recommend you bathe a dog withnormalskin once a month with dog shampoo or humanbabyshampoo. If you want to bathe more oftenthanonce a month, use a soap-free or moisturizing shampootoprevent the skin from becoming dry. Do not batheyourdog more than once a week, unless recommendedbyyour vet.
A good rule of thumb is that you should batheyourdog once a month. Of course, if he rolls around in themud, youcan bathe him more often. Or if yourpuppy isprone to dry skin, you can wait longer betweenbaths. Just besure to choose a puppy shampoo that is gentleon hisskin!