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Likewise, how often should you water a palm plant?
Palms like moist soil, which means watering several times a week is usually required. When you are planting a palm in your garden, you'll want to water the tree every day for the first week. The second week, water every other day. After that, plan to water two or three times a week.
Consequently, how do you take care of a fan palm?
Fan Palm Care Tips Allow the plant soil to dry out a little more in the winter than in the summer. A daily mist of water helps to keep humidity levels high. If frond tips become brown, the humidity is too low. A light fertilizer application from late winter through early fall helps fan palm plants remain vital.
Don't call professional pruners yet when you see the tips of your palm trees turn brown. However, if your tree's leaves are in full brown, the leaves should be pruned to prevent the problem from getting worse. This will help your palm tree regain its former health and appearance.