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Asked by: Mohssin Eidels
home and garden landscapingHow often should you water tomato plants in pots?
Also to know is, how often should tomatoes in pots be watered?
Garden tomatoes typically require 1-2 inchesofwater a week. Tomato plants grownincontainers need more water thangardentomatoes. Soil in containers heats up fasterwhichleads to more water evaporation. A good rule ofthumbfor containers is to water until waterrunsfreely from the bottom.
People also ask, can tomato plants be overwatered?
Early signs of overwatering intomatoplants include cracked fruit and blisters or bumps onthe lowerleaves. If the overwatering continues, the bumps orblisterson the leaves turn corky. Meanwhile, the roots begin todrown, dieand rot, which reduces the amount of water the green partof theplant receives.
Set tomato plants into the ground oncesoiland night-time air temperature stay above 60 degreesFahrenheit. Forpotted tomatoes, don't add additionalfertilizer atplanting; choose a pot with one or moredrainage holesand don't use a saucer outdoors, because it collectswater and cankeep roots soggy.