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People also ask, how much do teenage golf caddies make?
Golf Caddy Especially since junior caddies can start asyoung as 14, carrying one bag and learning the skill. On average, ateenage golf caddy can earn $100 to $120 carrying twobags for 18 holes, referred to as a “loop.” Assuming a“loop” takes around 4 hours, the hourly pay breaks downto $20-$30 per hour.
Similarly one may ask, can a girl be a golf caddy?
The only female caddie to have won a PGA Tourmajor, she's also the only woman in the Caddie Hallof Fame—but it's unlikely that she'll be the last, especiallywith the likes of Meaghan Francella and Michelle Simpson oncourse.
In general, the FLSA prohibits children younger than14 years old from working, and limits the hours thatthose under 16 may work. However, certain part-time,independent contractor jobs may not fall under the FLSA,including caddying.