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Asked by: Lyda Fikri
medical health pharmaceutical drugsHow old do you have to be to buy Sudafed in Tennessee?
Thereof, how much pseudoephedrine can you buy in a month in Tennessee?
Under the House-passed bill, consumers would be limited to purchasing no more than 5.76 grams or about 48 tablets of pseudoephedrine-based products every 30 days. The annual limit is 28.8 grams per year. Anything beyond that would require a doctor's prescription.
Just so, can you buy Sudafed over the counter in Tennessee?
No prescription is required, but Tennessee law requires the drug to be kept behind the pharmacy counter. Sales are tracked, and consumers are limited to 3.6 grams in a day (about 30 tablets) and 9 grams in a month (75 tablets).
In Tennessee, medicine that contains pseudoephedrine - such as Sudafed, Actifed, Contac and Claritin-D - can only be sold in pharmacies and must be kept behind the counter. Purchasing pseudoephedrine requires a customer to present a photo ID to a store employee and to sign for the purchase.