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Asked by: Marit Pazo
television science fiction tvHow old was Kristin Kreuk in the first season of Smallville?
Thereof, how old is Clark in the first season of Smallville?
Season One takes place during Clark, Lana,Pete, Chloe and the rest of there classmates' freshman year (Grade9) at Smallville High School aged 14-15 in thisseason and Lana's boyfriend, Whitney Fordman being a senior(aged 17-18).
Subsequently, one may also ask, what happens to Lana Lang in Smallville?
Lana then grows closer to Lex Luthor. Afterstealing a kryptonite-powered suit from Lex, Lana absorbs anenormous amount of kryptonite radiation, which prohibits her fromgetting too close to Clark, and she leaves Smallville forgood, but vowed to continue to use her powers to preservelife.
On April 3, 2008, after seven seasons with the series,Gough and Millar announced that they were leavingSmallville. The developers thanked the cast and crew fortheir work, acknowledging that they never stopped fighting for whatthey saw as "their vision" of the show. A reason for theirdeparture was not provided.