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Accordingly, how much does it cost to put braces on your teeth?
The cost range for braces can vary greatlyfor each type: Metal braces (traditional braces) :$3,000 - 7,000. Ceramic braces : $4,000 - 8,000. Lingualbraces : $8,000 - 10,000. Invisalign : $4,000 -7,400.
Also know, what is the process of putting on braces?
You'll need to return to your orthodontist to have thebraces put on. They will apply bonding cement, an adhesivesubstance, to the teeth, and carefully affix the brackets to theteeth. Once the brackets are in place, the orthodontist will fitthe arch wire into each bracket to connect them.
Your dentist will likely have you make anappointment with an oral surgeon to have your wisdom teeth removed.Your oral surgeon will talk to you about the procedure andwhat anesthesia or sedatives (medication that make yourelaxed and put you to sleep) will be used.