Asked by: Kaitlyn Rozela
technology and computing web hosting

How secure is OpenDNS?

OpenDNS is a good service for home use to block unwanted contents, but as far as privacy is concerned, yes you are sharing all your URLs with openDNS. But openDNS ensures that your request is safely reached at their servers without interaction DNScrypt .

Herein, does OpenDNS protect against malware?

By default, OpenDNS blocks Internet-scale bots from resolving for all OpenDNS users and provides more comprehensive malware site protection for OpenDNS Enterprise users.

Also Know, is OpenDNS private? OpenDNS is a company and service that extends the Domain Name System (DNS) by adding features such as phishing protection and optional content filtering in addition to DNS lookup, if its DNS servers are used.

Type DNS Resolution Service
Parent Independent (2005-2015) Cisco (2015–present)

Likewise, people ask, which DNS is most secure?

We have created a list of the top 5 Best DNS Servers based on the results of our 2 polls:

  • OpenNIC. OpenNIC is a free DNS server that routes your traffic away from DNS servers provided by your ISP.
  • Cloudflare DNS.
  • OpenDNS.
  • DNSWatch.
  • Quad9 DNS.

Is Google Open DNS safe?

Yes. Google Public DNS is a validating, security-aware resolver.

Related Question Answers

Macario Simkin


How do I stop OpenDNS from blocking websites?

Log into your dashboard at and click on your network.
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and add the domain to the field and set the option to Never Block.
  2. Click Add Domain.

Bernardina Fereira


Can filtering software or hardware really block all unwanted material?

An Internet filter is hardware or software that restricts the information that is delivered over the Internet. Filters can greatly reduce the flow of harmful content onto your computer. They can block access to websites, e-mail, chat, or other Internet-based communications based on category, site, or content.

Chantelle Andersson


How do I stop OpenDNS?

How to Block Websites with OpenDNS on home WiFi?
  1. Step 1: Replace Router DNS with OpenDNS. You can change the DNS address of your Windows or Mac, iPhone or Android to route traffic through OpenDNS servers.
  2. Step 2: Add Static IP Adress in OpenDNS Account.
  3. Step 2a: Add Dynamic IP in OpenDNS.
  4. Step 3: Set Website Content Filtering with OpenDNS.

Katy Grevenbrock


What is hit malware OpenDNS?

When OpenDNS detects a domain known to host malware, phishing attacks, or adult content, OpenDNS returns the network address of a page with a warning message. is is

Midori Wickentrager


Does OpenDNS track visited sites?

You can also use OpenDNS to log each URL visited, but the last time I used OpenDNS I couldn't see which device on my network was visiting the site. If you want to try it, just get OpenDNS and enable “stats and logs,” which should at least show you what sites are being visited.

Lavina Jahnicke


What does OpenDNS block?

Does OpenDNS provide content filtering? OpenDNS offers the easiest way to filter Web content and prevent access to unsafe or inappropriate websites on your network. OpenDNS enables you to quickly block content with three predefined, easy-to-use Web filtering levels.

Tanta Azpeleta


How do I block content on my home network?

Method 2 Using OpenDNS for HTTPS Sites
  1. Log in with your router's administrator account.
  2. Find the "WAN" or "Internet" section.
  3. Disable automatic DNS.
  4. Enter the OpenDNS server addresses.
  5. Save the changes for your router.
  6. Log into the OpenDNS dashboard.
  7. Click the "Settings" tab and enter your home network IP.

Maruan Fontan


How do I turn off content filter on my phone?

  1. From the Android TV home screen, scroll down and select Settings.
  2. Under Preferences, select Search > SafeSearch filter.
  3. Select On or Off.

Muoi Fernyhough


Is Cloudflare trustworthy?

The short answer is that Cloudflare is safe. Cloudflare is essentially nothing more than a content delivery network (CDN). The theory behind it is that they will cache copies of your website to their servers, which are spread across different locations.

Belisario Vriesenga


Will changing my DNS affect anything?

Although DNS is not directly related to your Internet speed, it can influence how fast an individual webpage appears on your computer. Once a connection has been established though, it should not affect download speeds. If you want to amend your router's DNS servers however, this can help improve your overall speed.

Qifeng Barracho


Is changing DNS safe?

Changing your current DNS settings to the OpenDNS servers is a safe, reversible, and beneficial configuration adjustment that will not harm your computer or your network. You can print out this page and write down your previous DNS settings if desired.

Ersin Lercas


Should I use Cloudflare DNS?

In a nutshell, Cloudflare offers (an excellent) DNS service for businesses, and that service is more attractive to sell to those companies if a lot of consumers are already using them for lookups. So now that we've over explained, should you use Cloudflare's new DNS server? We'd say it's definitely worth testing out.

Iluminada Jaenigen


Why should I use OpenDNS?

Here's why: Unlike the DNS servers of your less reliable ISP, OpenDNS servers store the IP addresses of millions of websites in their cache so it would take less time to resolve your requests. Another huge advantage of using OpenDNS is that it blocks phishing websites from loading on your computer.

Jewell Rioja


How can I tell if OpenDNS is working?

To check if OpenDNS is active, please visit This article refers to "working" as seeing the check mark at as seen in the image below. If you do not see the check mark, OpenDNS is not configured.

Ema Enenkel


Who owns OpenDNS?

Cisco Systems

Selenia Piney


How much is OpenDNS?

The cost of OpenDNS is variable and will depend on a variety of factors. There are several pricing tiers and add-on services such as support which will increase the price. The basic cost we are seeing in the market in 2019 is in the region of $2.70 per user per month.

Jong Sitipala


How do I get OpenDNS?

Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), then click the Properties button. Click the radio button "Use the following DNS server addresses:" and type in OpenDNS addresses, 208.67. 222.222 and 208.67. 220.220, in the Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server fields.

Orlin Arzak


What is a free OpenDNS account?

The free account protects anybody behind your home network gateway. If you want to extend that to multiple networks, mobile devices and laptops, then you could consider a paid account. OpenDNS will ask you to register your network. This means you need to tell OpenDNS what network it should be monitoring.