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Asked by: Nayab Silva
home and garden home appliancesHow should lithium ion batteries be stored?
The batteries should be stored atroomtemperature, charged to about 30 to 50% of capacity. Werecommendthat the batteries be charged about once per yearto preventoverdischarge. PowerStream Note: Test data confirms thatstorage oflithium-ion batteries is best if the cellispartially discharged.
Also know, how should lithium batteries be stored?
Primary batteries store well. Alkaline andprimarylithium batteries can be stored for 10 yearswithmoderate loss capacity. When storing, removethebattery from the equipment and place in a dry andcoolplace.
Similarly, it is asked, how do I prolong the lithium ion battery?
Here are a few ways to keep your lithium-ionbatterieshealthy.
- 1: Keep your batteries at room temperature.
- 2: Think about getting a high-capacity lithium-ionbattery,rather than carrying a spare.
- 3: Allow partial discharges and avoid full ones (usually)
- 4: Avoid completely discharging lithium-ion batteries.
It's advisable to protect the batteryfrommoisture and humidity by packing it in a plastic bagbeforestoring it in the refrigerator. Li-IonandNiMH batteries are best stored intherefrigerator.