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Also, can teeth be shaped?
Tooth reshaping, also called dental contouring,isa cosmetic dentistry technique that removes small amountsoftooth enamel (the outer covering of the tooth)inorder to change the shape, length, or surface of one ormoreteeth.
Furthermore, should your front teeth be longer?
Most central incisors (your twofrontteeth) are between about 10.5 and 12.5 mm longand areroughly 20 percent longer than wide. If you're nothappywith yours, veneers are one way to alter the shape ofyourteeth.
They are custom made for the individual and bonded totheteeth to change their appearance. Veneerscanbe used to change the size, shape, color, orlength ofthe teeth. Veneers are not as drastic achangeas crowns, but the process is permanent andcan't beundone.