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Asked by: Youssoupha Drew
medical health skin and dermatologyHow thick is a strand of hair in MM?
Correspondingly, how thick is a hair strand?
As a person grows up, their hairbecomesthicker and stronger. Another factor is that, thecloser tothe root of the hair, the thicker astrand ofhair would be. In my research, I have foundthe diameter ofhuman hair to range from 17 to 181 µm(millionths of ameter).
Keeping this in view, how thick is a human hair in thousandths?
The thinnest [human hair thickness] is about2thousandth of an inch in diameter. So a typical "step" inamouthpiece is about the thickness of a typicalhumanhair, if the above is accurate.
Laser light is scattered on a hair,therebycreating a diffraction pattern which can be usedtodetermine the thickness of the hair. If yousimplymeasure the distance from the hair to theprojectionscreen, and the distance from the centre to one of thedark spots,the diameter of the hair canbecalculated.