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Asked by: Shafqat Mujdabaev
news and politics weatherHow was weather forecasting done in earlier times?
Considering this, how is weather forecasting done?
Weather forecasts are made by collectingas much data as possible about the current state of the atmosphere(particularly the temperature, humidity and wind) and usingunderstanding of atmospheric processes (through meteorology) todetermine how the atmosphere evolves in the future.
Additionally, when did people start predicting the weather?
The first ever daily weather forecasts werepublished in The Times on August 1, 1861, and the firstweather maps were produced later in the same year. In 1911,the Met Office began issuing the first marine weatherforecasts via radio transmission.
There are four main types of weather predictionwe're going to discuss in this lesson: short-range, medium-range,long-range, and hazardous weather forecasting. Short-rangeforecasts are predictions made between one and seven daysbefore they happen.